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Articles > Navigation > List of beacons

List of beacons

This article contains a list of all active beacons and their runway angles. These beacons can be used for ADF (Automatic Direction Finder) navigation, and combined with the runway angles they can be used for VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range) navigation.

PlaceBeaconEnd 1CodeNavEnd 2CodeNav
Area 69BASE360°36+VOR +ILS180°18+VOR +ILS
BNS AtlanticBNSA80°08+VOR260°26
Caligula's PalaceCALI90°09+VOR270°27
Catalina CityCATA290°29+VOR +ILS110°11+VOR +ILS
Sandy DunesDUNE90°09+VOR +ILS270°27+VOR +ILS
Iguazu CityIGZU310°31+VOR +ILS130°13
Los Santos Inlet FieldLSIF350°35+VOR170°17+VOR
Morrison AirportMORR30°03+VOR +ILS210°21+VOR +ILS
Octavia IslandOCTA360°36+VOR +ILS180°18+VOR +ILS
270°27+VOR +ILS90°09+VOR +ILS
Angel Pine AirstripPINE135°14+VOR +ILS315°32+VOR +ILS
Los Santos AirportSALS90°09L+VOR +ILS270°27R+VOR +ILS
90°09R+VOR +ILS270°27L+VOR +ILS
Las Venturas AirportSALV360°36+VOR +ILS180°18+VOR +ILS
San Fierro AirportSASF225°23+VOR +ILS45°05+VOR +ILS
Verdant Meadows AirfieldSAVM270°2790°09
San Fierro CarrierSFCA270°27+VOR +ILS90°09+VOR +ILS
Santa Rosa AirportSTRS270°27L+VOR +ILS90°09R+VOR +ILS
Windmill ResortWMRE250°25+VOR +ILS70°07
Category: Navigation
ADF (Automatic Direction Finder)ILS (Instrument Landing System)List of beaconsVOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range)

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