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Articles > Navigation > VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range)

VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range)

VHF (Very High Frequency) Omni-directional Range, or VOR, is a navigation system for aircfraft. The main difference with ADF (Automatic Direction Finder) is that VOR guides towards the beacon from a specific direction, or radial.


/vor <beacon>[ ]<angle>[specifier]


/vor salv 18
/vor SALV18
/vor sals 27L
/vor SALS09R

Beacons and specifiers can be in uppercase or lowercase or even mixed. A space between the beacon and the angle is optional.

<beacon> is the code of the NDB beacon to use. <angle> is the angle to use. [specifier] can be a runway specifier, like R or L or C. See List of beacons for a list of all the available beacons with their angles and specifiers. When ingame, the /nearest or /beacons commands can be used. To find out the available angles ingame, click on an entry in the /nearest list or just type the /vor command without specifying the angle and a message will show with the available angles.
/vor salv
! Unknown runway, try one of: 18 36

/vor savm
! There are no VOR capable runways at this beacon

To disable the navigation, simply type /vor again (or /adf).


When VOR is engaged, values will be shown in the navigation top part of the panel, similar to ADF (but the CRS has a different meaning!). Near the bottom another bar shows up, indicating the alignment with the runway.

a wide box with lots of numbers indicating speed, altitude, heading, vertical air speed, navigation stuff

The aircraft panel with VOR navigation engaged

Indicators and their meanings:

Horizontal distance between the aircraft and the beacon.
Difference in altitude. A positive number indicates the aircraft is at a higher altitude than the beacon, a negative number indicated the opposite.
Difference in the aircraft's course and the radial. If this is 0, it means the aircraft is flying parallel to the runway.

The VOR bar at the bottom indicates where the runway position is relative to the aircraft's position. If the alignment is too far off, a number is shown, giving an idea of how far off the aircraft is.


When CRS is 0 and the vertical bar in the VOR bar is centered, the aircraft is heading directly towards the runway.

a plane going towars a runway, which is straight ahead

VOR example 1

When the vertical bar is not centered while the CRS is 0, the aircraft is going in the right direction, but not in the center of the runway.

a plane going towards a runway, but the runway is moreto the right

VOR example 2

When the aircraft is too far from the centerline, the bar will change into a number, giving an idea of how far exactly the aircraft is off the centerline.

a plane going towards a runway, but the runway is a lotmore to the right

VOR example 3

When the CRS is not close to 0, the aircraft is not going parallel with the runway. The VOR bar still shows how far the aircraft is from the centerline, as if it was going parallel.

a plane going towards a runway which is ahead but at anangle

VOR example 4

If the CRS is more than 90 or less than -90, the aircraft is going away from the runway. In this case, the VOR bar will show at the opposite side, since it's still being calculated as if the aircraft would be going parallel.

a plane going towards a runway, but the runway is at the right side and is angled towards the bottom right

VOR example 5
Category: Navigation
ADF (Automatic Direction Finder)ILS (Instrument Landing System)List of beaconsVOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range)

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