Articles > Internal docs > Tables
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should be used for all non-samp stuff.
usr -- users i - id name - name pw - pw registertime - registertime lastseenweb - last seen on web (default 0) lastseengame - last seen in game onlinetime - total online time (seconds) (default 0) playtime - actual playtime (seconds) (default 0) groups - group(s) flighttime - flight time (seconds) (default 0) distance - total distance flown, km (float) (default 0) score - score (default 0) cash - money (default 15000) prefs - preferences (see PREF_* in basdonfly.c) lastfal - last failed login (default 0) falng - failedloginsnotifygame, last time failed logins were shown ingame (default 0) falnw - failedloginsnotifyweb, last time failed logins were shown ingame (default 0)
ses -- sessions i - id u - uid (usr.i) s - starttime e - endtime ip - ip
fal -- failed logins u - uid (usr.i) (NULL for when user gets deleted, SET NULL) stamp - timestamp ip - ip isweb - int (0: samp, 1: website)
apt -- airports i - id (from 0, cannot contain holes) c - code (char4) e - enabled n - name (char24) x - beacon x y - beacon y z - beacon z flags - (see APT_FLAG_* in basdonfly.c) (int) (default 1)
rnw -- runways id - rowid a - airport (apt.i) i - runway id (matches on end to the other) s - specifier (as in L/C/R/H(helipad)/nothing) h - heading x - x y - y z - z w - runway width n - navigation types (VOR(2) | ILS(6)) type - runway type (see RUNWAY_TYPE_* in basdonfly.c) (default 1) surf - runway surface (see RUNWAY_SURFACE_* in basdonfly.c)
msp -- mission points i - id a - airport (apt.i) x - x y - y z - z t - type of mission (mission-types.txt) name - name of point (varchar MAX_MSP_NAME(9)) o - outbound flights (default 0) p - inbound flights (default 0)
flg -- flights id - id player - player (usr.i) (or NULL) vehicle - vehicle (veh.i) missiontype - fapt - (apt.i) tapt - (apt.i) fmsp - (msp.i) tmsp - (msp.i) distance - checkpoint-to-checkpoint distance, m (float) adistance - actually travelled distance, m (float) (default 0) state - status, see flight-statuses.txt (default 1) tstart - tlastupdate - tload - (default 0) tunload - (default 0) duration - in seconds, total time mission has been active while player is online (default 0) satisfaction - passenger satisfaction (default 100) ptax - airport tax (default 0) pweatherbonus - (default 0) psatisfaction - satisfaction bonus (default 0) pdistance - distance pay (default 0) paymp - distance pay multiplier (default 0) pdamage - damage penalty (default 0) pcheat - cheating penalty (default 0) pbonus - extra bonus (default 0) ptotal - total pay (default 0) fuel - percentage fuel used [0-1] (may be more than 1 because one can refuel) (float) (default 0) damage - total damage taken (default 0)
pfl -- paused flights fid - flight id ( t - timestamp x - pos x (float) y - pos y (float) z - pos z (float) qw - rotation w (float) qx - rotation x (float) qy - rotation y (float) qz - rotation z (float) vx - velocity x (float) vy - velocity y (float) vz - velocity z (float) fuel - percentage of fuel left (percentage just in case fuel capacity changes) (float) hp - (float) gear_keys - gear state (0x100000, additional keys (0x30000) and partial keys (0xFFFF) udlrkeys - udkey (0xFFFF) and lrkey (0xFFFF0000) misc - for driversync packet reason - OnPlayerDisconnect reason (0 timeout, 1 quit, 2 kicked)
wth -- weathers w - weather id l - last weather id t - timestamp
veh -- vehicles i - id m - model ownerplayer - owner (usr.i) or NULL if not owned by a player (default NULL) e - enabled (default 1) ap - related airport (apt.i) (default NULL) x - x y - y z - z r - rotation col1 - color 1 col2 - color 2 inusedate - timestamp of existence odo - odo, km (float) (default 0)
acl -- anticheat etc log t - timestamp u - userid (usr.i) (or NULL) l - logged in status (0-2, see login.pwn) type - type of event (see AC_* in basdonfly.c) (default 0) e - log content (varchar, 2048)
art -- site articles id - cat - article category ( or NULL (default NULL) name - url name (varchar, 64) title - actual title (varchar, 64) pageviews - (default 0)
artcat -- site articles categories id - parent - parent category ( or NULL (default NULL) name - (char, 16) color - (char, 6)
artalt -- alternative art names art - article id ( alt - alternative url name (varchar, 64)
cmdlog -- commands log id - rowid player - player (usr.i) or NULL (default NULL) loggedstatus - one of LOGGED_NO(0) LOGGED_IN(1) LOGGED_GUEST(2) stamp - timestamp cmd - command (varchar 128)
svp -- servicepoints id - rowid apt - belonging airport ( or NULL x - y - z -
repairlog -- id - rowid stamp - timestamp vehicle - (veh.i) NULL driver - (usr.i) NULL invokr - (usr.i) svp - ( paid - damage - repaired damage points
refuellog -- id - rowid stamp - timestamp vehicle - (veh.i) NULL driver - (usr.i) NULL invokr - (usr.i) svp - ( paid - fuel - percentage refueled [0-1] (float)
heartbeat -- id - rowid tstart - boot time tlast - last update cleanexit - if session was ended nicely
webses -- website sessions id - (char, 32) usr - (usr.i) stamp - session start lastupdate - last update stay - stay logged in (0/1) ip - (char, 45)
map -- maps id - rowid ap - linked airport ( (default NULL) filename - filename of the map (without .map extension) (varchar 24)
spw -- spawns id - rowid ap - linked airport (apt.i) class - class types that can spawn here (bitfield) sx - x coord sy - y coord sz - z coord sr - z-angle
kck -- kicks id - rowid usr - (usr.i) NULL ip - (varchar, 45) stamp - timestamp issuer - (usr.i) NULL reason - (varchar, 144) NULL
gpci -- gpci values u - (usr.i) v primkey v - value (char, 100) ^ primkey c - count first - stamp of first use last - stamp of last use
tract -- tracker tickets id - rowid op - (usr.i) stamp - timestamp updated - timestamp state - int (default 0) severity - int (default 0) visibility - int (default 2147483647) released - int (default NULL) when resolution for this ticket got released summary - (varchar utf8mb4, 80) description - (varchar utf8mb4, 4096)
tracc -- tracker comments id - rowid parent - ( usr - (usr.i) ip - (varchar, 45) stamp - timestamp type - (0 normal 1 raw) comment - (varchar utf8mb4, 4096)
deathlog -- death log id - rowid stamp - timestamp killee - (usr.i) NULL killer - (usr.i) NULL reason - int
modelstats -- flighttime/odo per player per model usr - (usr.i) t417 - int 0 o417 - float 0 t425 o425 t447 o447 t460 o460 t464 o464 t465 o465 t469 o469 t476 o476 t487 o487 t488 o488 t497 o497 t501 o501 t511 o511 t512 o512 t513 o513 t519 o519 t520 o520 t548 o548 t553 o553 t563 o563 t577 o577 t592 o592 t593 o593
chg -- changelogs stamp - date (char 11) entry - summary (char(128))
Category: Internal docs | |
Article Formatting • Tables | |
Code | Preprocessor Definitions |
File formats | Flight file format • Map file format • Textdraw file format |
Services | Echo • Flighttracker |
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