Articles > Internal docs > Services > Flighttracker
Flighttracker is a service that collects flight mission data and writes it to
Flight files. This service is implemented as an
Anna^ mod.
Flighttracker listens on port 7766
Packet spec
byte 0: F byte 1: L byte 2: Y byte 3: packet type
Packet type 1: new mission
Sent when a new mission started.
byte 4-7: mission id (DWORD) byte 8-9: flags (WORD) = length 10
See Flight file format for flag values.
Packet type 2: mission flight data
Sent about every second during a mission. When the player goes afk, a packet is sent with the afk flag, and then no more packets are sent until the player is back from afk.
byte 4-7: mission id (DWORD) byte 8: flags (BYTE) (see below) byte 9: passenger satisfaction% [0-100] (BYTE) byte 10-11: aircraft speed, knots (WORD) byte 12-13: aircraft altitude (WORD) byte 14-15: health (WORD) byte 16-19: fuel level% [0-1] (FLOAT) byte 20-23: x pos (FLOAT) byte 24-27: y pos (FLOAT) byte 28-29: bank in degrees * 10 (WORD) byte 30-31: pitch in degrees * 10 (WORD) = length 32
Flags (right to left):
bit 1: is player paused bit 2: is engine on bit 3: is first packet since flight was paused
Packet type 3: mission end
Sent when the mission ends or pauses.
byte 4-7: mission id (DWORD) = length 8
Packet type 4: server started
Sent when the server boots, used to close any leftover over missions.
= length 4
Packet type 5: mission end
Sent when the server closes, used to close all active missions.
= length 4
See also
Category: Services | |
Echo • Flighttracker |
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