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Articles > Missions > Missions


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Missions can be started with /mission or /m or /w (w for work). All missions are recorded all will be shown on the flights page. Mission details can be seen, along with a map that shows the route that was taken and graphs with speed and altitude and more.

The type of mission depends on the class and aircraft type.

Missions can be cancelled by using /stopwork or /s or cancelwork or cancelmission, but you will have to pay a fee of $5000.

Passenger missions

Passenger missions are given in most aircraft types, when spawed as the Pilot class.

Passenger missions utilize the Passenger Satisfaction system.

Cargo missions

Cargo missions are given for the Beagle, Nevada and Andromada aircraft types.

Rescue missions

For rescue missions, one must be spawned as the rescue worked class. These missions can only be done in a Raindance.

Military missions

The Army class must be chosen to do military missions. Military helicoper missions (with a Cargobob)

Category: Missions
MissionsMission point typesPassenger Satisfaction

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