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Articles > News > Sep 22 - Mission map, panel

Sep 22 - Mission map, panel

Mission selection

Previously, you would receive a random mission when entering /w. This update brings the new mission map. The mission map can be shown when you are positioned in a mission point with a suitable vehicle. Then, one of the destinations can be selected (or a completely random destination) to start a mission.

Mission map

Mission map

Typing /w when not in a mission point will allow you to set a checkpoint to the nearest mission point.

Find mission

Find mission

Updated panel design

The aviation panel has been slightly updated. It now also shows the gear state (green = down, red = up, yellow = transitioning). ODO and HP/FL bars are moved inside the panel. The VOR bar always shows now, but the indicator will only show when VOR is active.



The panel also has night colors that will be active between 21h and 6h. This can be disabled in /p.

Night colors

Panel night colors

Other changes

Category: News
Sep 22 - Mission map, panelSep 28 - Website flight map

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