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Service points

Service point 3D text

Floating text label indicating a service point.

Service points are areas where you can repair and refuel your vehicle. They are marked on the radar with a S symbol: Sweet mission icon. Beware: because of SA-MP limits, a service point map icon does not show unless you are close to it. If you are close enough, there will also be a floating text label.

To repair your vehicle, use the command /repair or /fix.

To refuel your vehicle, use the command /refuel. You can only refuel when the engine is turned off (see Keys on how to turn your engine off).

Aside from the driver, passengers can also repair and refuel vehicles. In that case, the passenger will pay the fee. The driver will receive a message when this happens.

Repair cost

The repair cost is $150 + $2 * (missing health). Every vehicle has a maximum health of 1000 (they start burning at 250). So if your vehicle has 900 health, repairing will cost $350. This means you'll pay at least $152 and at most $2150 (if you manage to get enough damage and then fix your vehicle before it explodes).

If you don't have enough money, the vehicle will be partially repaired. The base $150 cost covers the visual damage (including damage to aircraft controls) and servicing fees, every $2 after that will fix one health point.

Refuel cost

The refuel cost is $75 + $10 * (missing fuel percentage). This means you'll pay at least $85 and at most $1075.

If you don't have enough money, the vehicle will be refueled as much as your budget allows. The base $75 is paid for handling fees, every $10 after that will add one percentage of fuel.

Note that not all aircraft have the same fuel capacity and usage, but the refuel price is determined by percentages to not financially ruin players if they choose to fly bigger aircraft.

See also

Category: Basics
FuelHow To JoinHUDKeysList of aircraftScoreService points

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