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Profile of Taslausk_Hidatre (1498)


Longest in-game session: 27m set on Saturday 10th of August, 2024.

Session start timeSession duration
August 10th, 2024 - 11:310h08m
August 10th, 2024 - 11:040h27m
August 10th, 2024 - 10:230h11m

Last 15 flights by this user

#9619HydraBASEBNSAPaused9116m10 Aug 2024
#9618RaindanceSASFPINEAborted1166m10 Aug 2024
#9617AT-400SALVCATALanded38783m10 Aug 2024
#9616AT-400SALVCATACrashed3361m10 Aug 2024
#9615AT-400SASFCATACrashed10484m10 Aug 2024
#9614AT-400SALVSASFLanded5715m10 Aug 2024
#9613HydraBNSASFCAVehicle destroyed176m10 Aug 2024
#9612HydraSFCABNSALanded13996m10 Aug 2024
#9611HydraBASESFCALanded2418m10 Aug 2024

All flights by this user