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This is the place where bugs and todo's are tracked. Currently this tracks 214 tickets, whereof 62 unresolved.

Everyone can make a bug report: report a bug. TODO To make a suggestion, head over to the message board.

[Change log]

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Last updateImpactStatusSummary
3 years, 3 months agounratedclosedweb: cookie always expires at the end of the session?
3 years, 7 months agounratedresolved/loc always shows own player location
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedweb: make player graph 978px wide
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedweb: add link to discord/irc/chatlogs on homepage?
3 years, 3 months agounratedresolvedability to hide all textdraws
3 years, 5 months agounratedclosedadd Lima island
3 years, 4 months agounratedresolvedweb: show pitch & roll in flight map
3 years, 3 months agounratedresolvedvehicle objective should be disabled when doing /s
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedmove down octa runway lights
2 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedrecheck runway coordinates
3 years, 3 months agounratedresolveddon't sync hydra rockets/rustler/hunter/seasparrow gun unless /dogfight enabled?
3 years, 7 months agounratedresolvedinvestigate map streaming activity during spawn
3 years, 3 months agounratedclosedclean up code
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedcleanup maps table
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedadd minimap gang zones from map files
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedupdate maploader for new map format
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedzone doesn't hide in some cases
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedadd removed objects from objects.c to their respective map files
3 years, 1 month agounratedresolvedweb: put counter next to 'online now' and 'online last 48h'
3 years, 3 months agounratedresolvedecho: send broadcast messages to irc as well
3 years, 7 months agounratedresolveddoublecheck that both FLOAT_PINF and FLOAT_NINF work
2 years, 11 months agounratedresolveddon't trigger ac when player reponds with weird text on list dialog
3 years, 4 months agounratedresolvedrequire keypress when in checkpoint before loading
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedstream maps out first before streaming others in
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedarticles main page navigation block links aren't properly closed
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedplayer graph is not scaled
3 years, 8 months agocriticalresolveddoublecheck cmds work for 2nd player
3 years, 3 months agounratedresolved/engine cmd to toggle engine
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedhack into stream_distance to go over 400?
3 years, 10 months agounratedresolvedweb: add globe icon to external links that are not in articles
3 years, 10 months agounratedresolvedarticles: ILS grammar stuff
3 years, 10 months agounratedresolvedILS z axis is inverted
3 years, 10 months agounratedresolved/vor salv18 says unknown beacon, does work with space
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedarticles: list of beacons
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedarticles: flight file format link in flighttracker article is a red link
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedsfa article typo in first sentence
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedarticles: navigation articles
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedremove separate beacon in favor of airport codes?
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedUnlink that one service point from LVA
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedweb: remove td padding for image in apfactsheet
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedShow gametext when entering a vehicle
3 years, 10 months agounratedresolvedILS doesn't always show
3 years, 8 months agounratedcloseddiscover areas/map and enable teleporting to them
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedweb: link github releases from release page?
3 years, 10 months agounratedresolvedtrack flying time per model
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedILS doesn't hide when doing new ADF or VOR (and on death?)
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedupdate LSA service points
3 years, 7 months agounratedclosedensure missions have a minimum distance (and maximum?)
3 years, 11 months agomajorresolvedILS still doesn't work
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedadd heli mission point to CALI
4 years, 2 months agounratedclosedstore first usage of gpci as well?
2 years, 11 months agounratedresolved/info /help
2 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedcommand list command
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedchangepassword hangs when giving incorrect current password
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedcollect bank/pitch/yaw in fdr
4 years, 2 months agounratedresolvedsend help messages when low-score players spawn
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedweb: add border radius to flight state on flight details page
4 years, 2 months agounratedresolvedrefuel/repair: store both driver of vehicle and invoker of command
4 years, 2 months agounratedresolvedsanitize dialog inputtext to remove newlines and %
3 years, 8 months agounratedresolvedweb: admin panel: only show offline time in bold when over 90 seconds
4 years, 3 months agocriticalclosedfilter \r\n in echo packets
4 years, 3 months agounratedresolvedweb: automated tracker comments should be distinguished (bgcol?)
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedweb: article breadcrumbs should show if current page is a category
4 years, 3 months agotweakresolvedweb: use #99f for blue table colors
4 years, 2 months agomajorresolvedVOR/ILS don't work
2 years, 11 months agomajorresolvedweb: deal with arrays in get/post params
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedweb: use colorful tables everywhere
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedweb: login: change user not found error to invalid credentials?
4 years, 3 months agounratedresolvedmigrate Anna to new irc network
4 years, 3 months agounratedresolvedecho also print ticket summary to irc when it's updated
4 years, 3 months agounratedresolvedadmin cmd to add vehicles
4 years, 3 months agounratedresolvedweb: add warning when server uptime reaches > 20 days
4 years, 3 months agominorresolvednewly registered players don't get starting money
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedmake service point map objects for SFA/LVA
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedmake public vehicles on SFA/LVA
4 years, 4 months agounratedresolvedservice point map icon sometimes creates a marker
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvednon-airvehicle speedometer
4 years, 2 months agomajorresolvedpilot kneeboard
4 years, 2 months agounratedresolvedadd echo channel and chatlogs url to irc info on contact page
4 years, 3 months agounratedresolvedfix ILS
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedweb: highlight username input on login page
4 years, 4 months agounratedresolved/spray with carcols random colors
3 years, 11 months agomajorresolvedmake airport.php (at least a placeholder)
4 years, 4 months agounratedresolved/spray does not work
4 years, 4 months agounratedresolveddon't recreate vehicles
3 years, 11 months agounratedresolvedredesign LSA
4 years, 4 months agounratedresolved/park always put vehicle on heading 0
4 years, 4 months agounratedresolvedabort mission when missionvehicle respawns
4 years, 4 months agounratedresolvedput objective on mission vehicle when exiting
4 years, 4 months agounratedresolvedscore calculations should only use play time that is not flight time
4 years, 4 months agomajorresolvedsetup backups
4 years, 3 months agounratedresolvedimplicit declaration of usleep
4 years, 4 months agotrivialresolvedflight time / distance flown does not update until player logs out
3 years, 8 months agominorclosedmore tolerant passenger satisfaction rating for low-score players
4 years, 4 months agotrivialresolvedonly echo users that are +v or higher
4 years, 4 months agominorresolvedingame clock goes to 24:59
4 years, 4 months agotrivialresolvedredirect to trac thread with comment fraction when posting a comment
4 years, 4 months agotweakresolvedadd timestamp to new failed logins link
4 years, 4 months agominorresolvedprevent double-post trac comments
4 years, 4 months agominorresolvedphp errs on non-existing article page

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